Tony and I are just getting set and all the last minute updates needed to finish to our most exciting move AUSTRALIA! As we put together our last min trip visas, hostels bookings,'s really starting to hit us! As most of you know, we have spent the last 8 months working, living and going to school (for Tony) in Charlottetown PEI! Where Tony finished his last semester of school at the Culinary Insititute of Canada, and passed his Red Seal! (for those who dont know it's the test he takes to become certified in his trade of cooking- Tony was able to do so already because of the years he spent working in kitchens before school as well!) While in PEI I was working at the Delta Prince Edward, as a front desk Guest Service Agent. It was definitely a fun, exciting, busy and work filled summer, which we are very glade we did, but now we are ready for our next adventure!
So starting next week, we will both be working at the Jenolan Caves Resort which is about 2hrs 45 mins west of Sydney. Tony will be working the their new 1.2 million dollar renovated kitchen! And well, we are still unsure what I will be doing, but we know it will be something within the hotel, and my field of work!
This is our new companies website of where we will be working from nov til .....;
We fly out of Toronto on Nov 7th arriving in Sydney Nov 9th in the early am!