Wow...we live in the jungle. Ok, well not completely true, but still a very mountainous tree filled reserve filled with every wild, and I mean wild animal out there. The walk from our flat to work is about 2 mins down hill, and it feels like the rainforest part of the zoo, tree covered, hot, moist and you really have to watch your step. The geckos and lizards are all over the place, some bearly run when you walk down the stairs. Kangaroos are wild, and don't seem to be too bright. They are always dead ones all over the roads. The thing here though is that they don't take away the road kill, they just move it over on the shoulder and let it decompose there. leaves this really lovely smell...a cross of cow shit, pei mud, low tide in St. Andrews, smelly Cassy and dead animal. Yeah Lovely I know. As for the bugs, well I even have Tony killing them. (Not that we should admit to that cause we are in a reserve so we shouldn't kill the bugs-but come on-there are beattles in our bed- we gotta kill it! hahaha) And that leaves us with the I am sure you are all well aware Tony and I are both uber scared of snakes. Well, lucky us, we picked the great hotel, that hosts the third deadliest snake in the world- the red belly black snake. I am hoping ( and please cross your fingers for us!) that we will never see them around the grounds of the hotel. Tony has already seen one, though THANK F*** he was in chef's jeep on the way back from Oberon. They are really something we dont wanna run into...AT ALL!

Our flat is directly behind this sign. Yes...just one of our hills!
This is our area...Jenolan is in the valley directly under this picture, this is on the top driving in our out
Ps- I have not taken these pictures they are stolen ones (SORRY we are working on our own uploading!)