Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kata Tjuta

When we played tourists, we were able to get to Kata Tjuta and enjoy a few hikes; on Valley of the Winds and on the Walpa Gorge.  Then we headed to the Sunset viewing point to watch the sunset and change colour of the rocks as we enjoyed a glass (or two or three!) of champagne! 

Valley of the Winds

Valley of the Winds

Walpa Gorge

The Desert

us in the Walpa Gorge

Sunset starting!

the changing...

oh the colours...

still changing...

oh so nice!

The sun is gone...the trees look a blur..maybe it was the champagne!

oh I think it was the champagne! hahaha

Everyone needs a good Date Day. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Playing tourists

Sometimes there is nothing like taking the day off and exploring the place you live.  Playing tourist is lots of fun, you get to see all the things you tell people to go see.  We got the priviledge of taking a day tour with AAT Kings starting with sunrise at Uluru and then an afternoon at Kata Tjuta.  It was a lovely morning---as seen here!
uluru in the early am

the ever changing skies above

its sooo early

Desert life.

yes we are still awake....

its morning!

the climb..we didnt do it, but if you look close you can see little dots of people climbing!